Move with arrow keys.

Snake gets more hungry  and slower the lenghy it becomes.

You lose if your hunger reaches 1000.

You can shorten yourself by crossing your body.


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Neat game. I like the idea of a Snake type of game where you can eat your own body; it makes me think of the Ouroboros. Plus the music is funny.

After losing a few times, I struggled to figure out what I could do differently in order to play better. I'm not sure if I was completely understanding the game or not, but it felt really hard to survive after a short while.

Couple small things:

-Try to present information in-game instead of using pop-ups

-Consider allowing W/A/S/D to move in addition to arrow keys. Different people prefer one or the other, and having options never hurts

Grats on your entry. :)

Classic sound track. Nice job.

Fun little quick game! I do have to say, the music is genre defining